Xylem Water Solutions

We're excited to announce a breakthrough in purge and trap technology: a new trap chemistry designed specifically for the OI Analytical 4760 Purge & Trap system that allows for the use of nitrogen as a purge gas.

Cost savings: Nitrogen is significantly less expensive than helium, reducing your operational costs.

Superior performance: Our new app note demonstrates excellent sensitivity and reproducibility using nitrogen compared to helium.

Maintain Compliance: The 8260 Nitro allows your lab to purge the sample with nitrogen following EPA Method 524.4.

Upgrade your OI Analytical 4760 Purge & Trap system with our new nitrogen-compatible trap and experience the benefits of this technology. To learn more about how this new trap can save your lab money, please contact our sales team or visit our website for detailed specifications and ordering information.
Learn more about the 4760 Purge & Trap

4760 Purge & Trap System

Our fourth generation GC Sample Introduction device is helping labs around the globe maximize throughput and profitability.

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Xylem Water Solutions

Optimized for Superior Performance

The 4760 Eclipse was designed for even faster cycle times and sample throughput, while offering unparalleled reliability with its cyclone water management.

View the Brochure
Xylem Water Solutions
Xylem Water Solutions