Title: Step Change in Oxygen Measurements with Improved Sensing Foils

Date: November 30the
Time: 3:00pm (CET - Central European Time) 


Join us to learn more about our experiences with these foils in different applications. In the meantime, here are some facts about the foils: 

  • 2-3 times more stable
  • Two times lower pressure effects
  • No wetting/drying out effects
  • Trace nM detection at low concentrations

Meet the presenters:


Dr. Anders Tengberg has 25 years of experience developing and using underwater technology for environmental studies. He has worked on developing the autonomous platform and optical/acoustic/electrochemical sensor technology. This work is reflected in approximately 50 scientific publications. Since 1997 he has worked as a Product Manager for underwater sensors at Aanderaa, a Xylem brand in Norway, and part-time with Oceanographic Research at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.

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