Title: New High Accuracy Conductivity Sensor

Date: April 7th
Time: 3:00pm (CEST) 


Join us to learn about: 

  • The new 5th generation of Aanderaa Conductivity/Temperature sensors
  • Top performance +200 point calibrated, Conductivity 0.004 mS/cm, Temp 0.003 degC, extremely low drift
  • How these sensors are used from shallow waters to the deep sea, stand alone or on Aanderaa multiparameter systems

Meet the presenters:


Dr. Anders Tengberg has 25 years of experience in the development and use of underwater technology for environmental studies. He has worked on development of autonomous platform and optical/acoustic/electrochemical sensor technology. This work is reflected in approximately 50 scientif​ic publications. Since 1997 he works as product manager for underwater sensors at Aanderaa/Xylem in Norway and part time with oceanographic research at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.


Mrs. Inger M. Graves has been working with ocean industry applications since 2003 in various positions providing technology to ensure safe, sustainable utilization of the ocean. She has a background in R&D and has also working with Systems Engineering for environmental monitoring systems. Currently, she is the Ocean and Coastal Product Management leader in Xylem and Aanderaa.

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