Title: Get Your Lab Ready for HABs

Date: September 14th (Wednesday), 2022
Time: 3:00pm  (Dubai) 
Presenter: Dr. Stephanie A. Smith
Language: English


In this webinar, Dr. Stephanie A. Smith will describe how to prepare your environmental testing laboratory for the three most relevant water quality analyses to understand the drivers and impacts of HABs.

• Total phosphorus by USEPA Method 365.4,
• Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) by USEPA Method 351.2 and,
• Geosmin and MIB Determination, guided by USEPA Method 524.3 for volatile organics

These methods leverage Flow Injection Analysis (FIA), segmented flow analysis (SFA), and GC/MS facilitated by Purge & Trap concentration of samples. In each case, we’ll talk about:

• The fundamental basis for each method,
• The importance of proper sample collection, preservation and transport, and,
• QA/QC considerations when performing the method with environmental samples.


Meet the Expert:


Dr. Stephanie A. Smith
Product Segment Manager for Xylem Lab Solutions

Dr. Smith manages Xylem Laboratory Solutions and has worked in technology development for over 20 years. Her career has been distinguished by her contributions to the field of harmful algal blooms and algal toxins. At YSI, she has been deeply involved in sensor development and oversees product offerings that integrate diverse technologies into water quality monitoring systems. She earned degrees in Biology from Missouri State University (B.S., M.S.) and Microbiology from The Ohio State University (Ph.D.). 

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